Puka: A Multi-platform 2D Game Engine with Concurrency Support
→ Introduction
Puka is a game engine with simplicity and concurrency in mind.
Users write lua codes, the engine parallelize them!
Watch this video to see a demonstration of the game engine.
→ Technologies used
- C++: A compiled language
- glm: A Math library
- sol: Lua binding for C++
- box2d: A physics engine
- SDL 2: A rendering engine
- Lua: Lua code execution engine
- yyjson: JSON parser
→ Core idea
Each component is assigned to a thread. Each thread has a lua virtual machine (VM).
When running lua (user) code, the VM lock is always acquired.
To access components in other VMs, we need a “third tmp VM” to pass the value.
We use the ComponentProxy
to proxy the access to lua components.
For example, we want to get a component from VM2 to VM1 (assume this operation is done in VM1), the process is like this:
- Release VM1 lock
- Acquire VM2 lock
- Acquire VM_tmp lock
- Deep copy component from VM2 to VM_tmp
- Release VM_tmp lock
- Acquire VM1 lock
- Acquire VM_tmp lock
- Deep copy component from VM_tmp to VM1
- Release VM_tmp lock
Why not directly deep copy the component from VM2 to VM1?
Because that operation requires acquiring both VM locks, which may lead to deadlock.
The core mechanism “deep copy” is done by:
lua_ref_raw copy(lua_ref_raw &obj, sol::state &target) {
sol::type tp = obj.get_type();
if (tp == sol::type::number) {
if (obj.is<int>()) {
return sol::make_object(target, obj.as<int>());
} else {
return sol::make_object(target, obj.as<double>());
} else if (tp == sol::type::boolean) {
return sol::make_object(target, obj.as<bool>());
} else if (tp == sol::type::string) {
return sol::make_object(target, obj.as<std::string>());
} else if (tp == sol::type::userdata) {
if (obj.is<ComponentProxy>()) {
return sol::make_object(target, obj.as<ComponentProxy>());
} else if (obj.is<Actor *>()) {
return sol::make_object(target, obj.as<Actor *>());
} else if (obj.is<RigidbodyComponent *>()) {
return sol::make_object(target, obj.as<RigidbodyComponent *>());
} else {
std::cerr << "warning: userdata type not registered\n";
} else if (tp == sol::type::function) {
return sol::make_object(target, obj.as<sol::function>());
} else if (tp == sol::type::table) {
sol::table t = obj.as<sol::table>();
sol::table tcopy = target.create_table();
for (auto it = t.begin(); it != t.end(); ++it) {
auto [key, val] = *it;
tcopy.set(copy(key, target), copy(val, target));
return tcopy;
return {};
→ Demonstration source code
→ Fib
return {
fib = 0,
fibb = function(self, n)
if n <= 1 then
return n
return self:fibb(n - 1) + self:fibb(n - 2)
OnStart = function(self)
→ Write-back
return {
itbl = {
a = 1,
b = 2,
c = 3
func = function(self)
for k, v in pairs(self.itbl) do
Debug.Log(k .. " " .. v)
OnStart = function(self)
if self.key == "c1" then
self.other = self.actor:GetComponentByKey("c2")
local data = self.other:get()
data.itbl = {999,999}
OnUpdate = function(self)
local frame = Application.GetFrame()
if frame == 10 then